I, like all men, believe women to be completely inferior to men. I'm not going to use a "No True Scotsman" fallacy in this case, as it is obvious that any man who does not believe that women are on the same level as dogs are obviously lying. Women being a parasite on civilisation is obvious from Historical evidence (Yeah, way to invent the Theory of Relativity and build the Great Wall... Oh, that's right) and the Bible (King James' Version, Genesis 3:16 "...thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." The Bible also says that Eagles are an abomination, which is why I hate America.) Now, I believe that the only solution to women is a stinging backhand, and unfortunately I was not able to indulge this in video game form.
Until Now!
Finally all woman and child abusers can hone their technique in this delightful game. You can slap them, take off their clothes, throw soccer balls at them and spray what I hope is water on them - Just like you would in real life. Now, I believe that this game is a great thing - After all, if any culture begins to project oppression as entertainment and in positive light, it will become more common until finally it becomes socially acceptable to abuse women. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Truly the makers of this video-game believe that women are nothing but things meant to entertain men, by way of sex, cooking and the occasional beating, like they should.
Sure, the Feminist Movement of the 70's set Man back by a couple of decades by deluding these poor creatures into believing they are human, but Japan's got our back! They already have pedophilia culturally accepted (Their idea of beauty is heavily focused on naivety and being youthful and childish, and they sell used panties of school-girls in vending machines. Plus, check out how many school-girls wearing miniskirts appear in Manga and Anime) so abuse is naturally next. One thing worries me about Love Death 2: Fun Time - The torture is entirely physical. Sure, crippling a woman's legs is all well and good, but it's nothing compared to destroying their self-esteem and making them believe they earned it. What kind of game wont let call women whores? Thankfully I believe this will be rectified in later version, along with the ability to rape ... Oh, what's that? The game already has a "monster in the pants" "weapon" you use "while they're down and can't fight back"... Well, I guess this has all the makings of Game of The Year. ¨
I can't wait till they bring in the DLC, probably involving forbidding them from even talking to other men, stalking them and watching them sleep, constantly reminding the women that you want to kill them and telling her that you are doing it because you love her and having "the skin of a killer". I'm sure nothing like that would ever exist in our society or even be popular, but I can dream, can't I? Like Martin Luther King Jr., I have a dream: A society in which women are slaves to men, with no right to think for themselves, just supplies of sex for men. A world without pain, suffering or belittlement to men (something all women do to men, I read it from "Roissy in DC") and all the negative things in the world are rightfully blamed on women.
Yes, I realise half(2) of my readers(4 in total) are women.