Sunday, October 4, 2009


   Hello, to you who might be reading right now. I'm guessing you're either the two class mates of mine who read my Twitter, or someone from Cracked I gave the link to, for feedback on writing. 

   In either case, this'll be my blog, mostly for writing comedy pieces that no-one will read, and things that happen in my life, which will also go unread. Probably for the better. The title is a bit of a high brow reference, which I guess makes me some kind of douche? That's not really a surprise, is it? Probably nobody reading this will get it. Probably using that word to much. Not that that's a bad thing. I'll try to blog in English(Real English, not that corrupted 1337 shit or those gay emoticons or acronyms), for higher appeal, and simply because, well, I love English. Writing in English is a pleasure, one that I don't often get to enjoy. So, if you've read this far, I assume you are reading this simply because you don't want to be rude to me and not read it? That'd be the only reason why, it's not like this introductory crap will tell you what the meaning of life is or something.

   Reading through this now, it seems like I'm some emo retard whining about his life. I'm not. It's just that it's raining and that makes me somewhat depressed. Plus, I'm being realistic. The only way this will be popular if reading it somehow dispenses cocaine.Note:  Remember to invent a way to do that.

So, I guess that's that? Hope you enjoy my blog, I'll update it once a week with something that people might actually want to read.


  1. I'm glad you posted this in English, otherwise it would be unintelligible without the use of babelfish. Since I'm a lazy lass, that would not happen and I'd never get to see what you write when Dietle and Arkard aren't around to beat on your delicate young psyche.


  2. Hey, Ark's latest article says all the emotional abuse is good for me! And that's what my dad says before the beatings, so it must be true. Glad to see you reading my stuff.
